But here I don’t want to talk about the arena itself. I have some thoughts on that I’ll put together as Part 2 to this blog. I want to talk about elbow as a band, as a team and share some thoughts on how we can learn from them in how we work as teams and in projects. Bear with me… I suspect this may be one of my longest yet…
Here are the keywords for the next bit: Friendship, Joy, Authenticity, Loyalty, Commitment, Friendship, Agility all wrapped up in Leadership. I hope that if you stay with me to the end, you will not only learn some things about my favourite band but also get a different perspective on some of the characteristics we aspire for in our leadership and as leaders ourselves.. I could add many more to the list of values and qualities I explore here, but am conscious this is already heading to be the longest long-form article I’ve ever written, so I will focus on those most relevant in translating from one domain (music) to a very different one (teams and projects) although I hope you will see perhaps they aren’t as different after all.
First, let me give you a condensed NME-style overview.!
My own journey with elbow started back in 2009 with the release of their seminal and award-winning Seldom Seen Kid (their 4th album) from which the anthemic theme tune One Day Like This comes. If you’ve never heard of elbow then you’ll definitely recognise this song. But after that induction, I absorbed more and all of their work. I know there are fans out there who have been with them through much of their now 33 years together, I can’t claim that longevity, but I have followed them since and through the next 6 albums right up to the current Audio Vertigo which features heavily on their current arena tour setlist. I have now lost count of the number of elbow concerts I’ve been to – is it 6.. or 7?
Elbow, like any band, are a team. We all know many bands are dysfunctional, but I see elbow as different. Together for 33 years with only one significant team member change, the friendship and loyalty they exude for each other comes through on stage. There has to be something to this that we can understand and learn in our own teams.
Their frontman, Guy Garvey, is one of the least likely “rock band” frontman you’ll ever see (a paradox he seems to revel in on and off stage), yet he is their leader. And what a leader. Watching Guy on stage is like watching a master at work. His genuine smile is no wider than when he is introducing or showcasing his band members and supporting artists or when, as he often does, engaging with the audience and drawing them into the performance – generating ownership of the activity from all.
Guy has this habit of always asking the audience if we are OK…. The answer is always, of course, a rousing chorus of YES. But on Tuesday night someone at the front shouted back “Yes, are you OK?” and that then formed the framing for the evening… a to-and-fro between frontman and audience that drew us all into their world and them into ours.
Guy demonstrates on stage many of the leadership attributes and qualities that we would want and now expect to see in great leaders of complex teams..
Like any team though, it is far from a one man show. Guy is ably supported by others who are happy to allow him to lead (note they allow him to lead as much as he takes the lead – their ongoing permission to him is critical) and just let their talent shine through. Brothers Mark and Craig Potter (Guitar and Keyboards), Pete Turner (Bass and keyboards) and the only non-original member, drummer Alex reeves.
Like any team each has their own principal role and skillset, but they also have other roles and skills they can bring to bear. Every so often, Guy picks up a guitar, to the performative groans from the audience… it's not his strength, but we indulge him. Likewise Pete Turner plays bass but every now and again, sits at the keyboard, especially on the best-ever titled song “Loneliness of a Tower Crane Driver”. Core strengths and ability to try new things round the team out.
So where do we end up? Well, you’ll have no doubt placed me firmly in the elbow fanboy club. I admit it, and have no shame in so doing. Their music has been very important to me over the years. And I will continue to be their friend and be loyal to them. But what I hope I’ve extracted from all this, is that wherever you are, a project team, a company board, a rock band, the same human characteristics of team and leadership are in play.
Be authentic, joyous, loyal and vulnerable, agile, committed.
If you’ve made it this far you have definitely demonstrated commitment and loyalty, and for that I thank you! In return, your thoughts and comments would be welcome on the LinkedIn post that probably led you here.
Stand by for Part 2 where I share some thoughts on the now notorious Coop Live…but perhaps not from the perspective you expect…