
Learn 2 Develop – Part 1 by Al Simmonite

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Louisa and I have just completed the first two modules of our flagship Executive Leadership Development Programme (ELDP) for a client. Driving home we discussed the two days, feeling at the same time mentally exhausted and exhilarated.

I love engaging with a new team and starting to explore the dynamic, never quite sure where it will go. The advantage of a programme like our ELDP is we have 8 days to explore and develop the individual and team dynamic.

We always say to teams on our L&D programmes that we expect to learn as much as they do. Our credibility comes not from a level of excellence but our willingness to share our scars as much as our medals (see my blog on “been there, lost the t-shirt”), and to apply our key tenets of ruthless compassion and vulnerability to provoke dialogue.

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I also love the uncertainty each new group dynamic brings. One simple idea that we discussed as part of the introduction took the team in a whole new direction for over an hour of engaged, challenging discussion with real focus on application back in their day jobs. This ability to take from the “classroom” back to implementation is key and is a fundamental success criteria for the work we do. On our L&D programmes we always set a “post programme project” to focus the delegates on embedding learning and driving better outcomes.

Our credibility comes not from a level of excellence but our willingness to share our scars as much as our medals

Using the Lumina Learning Spark as eloquently delivered by Louisa, Lumina’s Practitioner of the Year 2022 by the way 😊, provided a really solid foundation of “understanding self” from which to guide the delegates in their leadership journey.

We can’t wait to engage with this group in the next two modules.

If you think you, your team or your organisation could benefit from a conversation with us about developing leadership at any level from “C- suite” to “shop floor”, get in touch, we will listen, challenge and offer an approach to support.

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Also, if what I’ve described interests you from a delivery perspective, we’d be keen to chat about what you could bring to the table to expand our L&D offering.

Keep an eye out for Louisa’s perspective and update after our next round of module delivery.

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