
Energy for Impact

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An intriguing little three-word phrase. I know we’ve perhaps been conditioned to shudder at the 3-word sound bite but bear with me on this,

Reflect for a moment, if you have the time, and think about what it is that gets you up in the morning for work, what jobs, tasks, projects, and types of work have energised or de-energised you over your career.

Can you pin down what those characteristics are? Possibly. But what if there was a way of understanding this in a structured way? How would that help shape your current work and your own and your team’s future development? How could you benefit from a deeper understanding of what drives your impact in the world ... more effectiveness as a leader? More self-awareness? Greater empowerment of yourself and others?

As a team, have you ever felt that you’re missing a dimension of understanding as to how you work well (or sometimes not so well ...) together? What if there was a mechanism to give you that missing context that you could then use to really drive your team and its development based on evidence? What could a team do that understands these aspects more explicitly? Collaborate better and be more effective? Drive actions that have real meaning and impact? Use a positive language of impact and energy across your organisation?

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Well … there is a way to get there. Since mid-2024 we have been working with the fantastic team at GCIndex to deliver the Game Changer Index to our clients. This is an organometric that differs from your classic variety of behavioural profiles (there is still huge value in these, and we still use DISC Insights, Lumina and our own Suitability© to Collaborate psychometrics where relevant) but GCI operates in a different way and can really complement existing toolsets and development processes.

We link this to our model of Suitability and Eligibility. If you look at this graphic from GCI, you can see where the Index fits in alongside personality profiling (personally I don’t like that phrase, I much prefer “behavioural style profile” but hey) as well as experience and expertise (capability and skills). Both Impact and Personality go to understanding our Suitability whereas Experience and Expertise go to our Eligibility.

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So what does GCIndex do ... It gives you a framework of working styles and types of work that engage you to create impact. There are 5 proclivities that range from Game Changer (creating possibilities), Strategist (seeing patterns and context), Implementer (driving practical progress), Polisher (seeking excellence) and the Play Maker (bringing people together).

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By the way, I’m a Strategist Implementer with a strong nod to Game Changer…!

What GCIndex will not do is assess your competence and skill or even assess what you are doing in your current role, but having a mechanism to correlate what energises you and where you most can deliver impact with what you, your team and your organisation is proving to be a very powerful vehicle for effective development dialogue.

Not only will individuals benefit from the detailed and tailored profile and 121 review, but the Team Profile also allows working teams (in organisations or projects) to understand where their collective energies are focused and who in the team creates shared momentum and who provides a different challenge perspective. GCIndex individual and team profiles can also be linked to “before and after” evaluations that are also underpinned by real-world evidence.

If you’re intrigued by this and want to know more, I’m a registered GCOlogist (yes, it’s a bit cheesy but hey, it’s different!) and Advance is a GC Partner organisation, so do get in touch and we can arrange for you to experience GCIndex for yourself.

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